Authentication & Encryption

This page details how Authentication & Encryption may work for Eludris.

The Token

Eludris uses JWT tokens to authenticate users. These tokens are required for nearly every interaction. Trying to connect to the Gateway or interact with the API? You'll need a token! The JWT tokens used within our services use a cryptographically secure pseudo-random string with a randomly generated HC128 string as a secret.

If you wish to get a new token, send an HTTP request to /auth with your email and password.

Tokens work on a per-session basis. What this means is that you'll have to generate a new token for every client you use. This is done to make it easy to invalidate any session without impacting the others.

Changing your password automatically invalidates all your tokens.


End-To-End-Encryption (or E2EE for short) will be available to private communities, private GDMs (group direct messages) and direct messages (DMs) between friends.

E2EE Implementation

First off, every user is provided a personal and unique pair of a public key and a private key.

Payloads with encrypted data (message, post, etc.) have an extra field in their payload, the pubkey field, which contains the public key the user used to encrypt the payload's content. This is done so that the corresponding private key could be fetched from the user's public-private key pairs and requested if the current one is invalid.

As for storing public-private key pairs, storing them locally (on the client's machine) causes a lot of extra complexity, especially with sharing and syncing keys.

For example, issues with a client being offline when it's given a key, multiple clients, and so on.

To combat that, Eludris' E2EE is designed so that each user has a super private-public key pair that their other private keys are encrypted with.

The instance does not know the user's super private key. The instance gives the user all the unencrypted-public keys and encrypted-private keys when connecting to Pandemonium.

The private keys are encrypted with the user's super public key.

For example, let's say a user creates an account. They create themselves a pair of keys, one public (A) and one private key (B). They give the instance their public key (A) and store the private key (B).

They then join an encrypted DM and the other user generates a pair of keys for the DM, one public key (C) and one private key (D). They send the instance the DM's private key (D) encrypted with the first user's public key (A), the instance stores this and gives it to the first user when requested and when they connect to pandemonium.

This ensures that every user can always have their keys without any risks of the server being able to decrypt the payloads.

The instance never gets access to the non-encrypted private keys of any key pair at any point in time.

To further increase the security each instance marks all sessions (besides the first) as untrusted and essentially rats it out to everyone, a user can verify their session from their original session in which they securely pass on the super key pair to the new instance.

Direct Messages

This one is quite simple, upon a friend request getting accepted and two users becoming friends, the user who accepted the friend request sends a payload with a public key and a private key for the DM, both encrypted using the other user's super public key.

After that all messages sent in this DM is encrypted using the DM's public key and are decrypted with the DM's private key which is stored on the instance twice, once encrypted with the first user's super public key, and another encrypted with the second user's super public key.

A user can also request they get a new key from the other end which will entirely scrap the old pair of keys and generate new ones in case the old ones get compromised.

Group DMs

Group DMs can be encrypted too. They work in a similar fashion, the host sends the room's public and private keys to all the starting participants on room creation encrypted with their public keys.

When a new user joins any other user will send the instance the keys they need whenever they're online.

The room's keys can also be re-generated by the GDM's host.

Private Communities

Private communities work similarly to how Group DMs work with the addition that the posts may also be encrypted but follow the same foundations.